Friday, May 9, 2014

Graduation Tee-shirt.

It's that time of year again; graduates, cards, and signing little plush dogs, cats, bears, etc...

Anyone who knows me knows that I like to be a little (maybe a lot) different, so while walking through the store with mom the other day I saw the little plush animals for friends and family of graduates to sign and this idea hit me like I just walked into a brick wall.

Instead of getting a little plush animal why not get a white tee-shirt, or really any color if you wanted, and fabric paint or markers that shows up on whatever color tee-shirt you got. On your shirt write something, my preference is something like "Graduate, 2014" or whatever suits your fancy. Then get your friends and family to sign your shirt with fabric markers.

Now, I'm sure somebody in the past has come up with this idea, but I happen to adore it because it's a little bit different, and then you don't just have some stuffed animal with a graduation cap sitting around taking up space, you have a shirt that you can wear and keep small notes from friends and family on your body. Now please note that I have nothing against the stuffed animals because I don't, and I might even get one when I graduate, but I definitely think I'm doing this too.

Below I have a possible design for the shirt that I took a minute to make in Paint. It's nothing special, but I like the design for my future shirt.

I hope you like this idea and possibly do it when you or a loved one graduates or inspires you to come up with your own unique idea!